Infinite Campus has canned reports for attendance available to teachers in Campus Instruction. Check out this brief video overview for Campus Reports.
To access these reports, open the Reports page. Then, select the Attendance button next to Show me reports about:
Clicking on the reports in the list will bring you to the report page, with additional information about the report and input parameters to filter for the data you want to see.
The four canned reports are described below.
- Attendance Change Tracking
- This report will display changes to the student's attendance in a course section. Each modification to a student's attendance record displays in a separate row in the report.
- Select the context, a term and section, to report on. Then, select the date range on which to report.
- You can save the report options and apply them again later.
- Attendance Register
- This report displays section attendance data by student and by day, in a grid format.
- Select the context, a term and course(s), to report on. Then, select the attendance data to include based on a date range or schedule term(s).
- You can save the report options and apply them again later.
- Attendance Summary
- This report displays the section attendance summary for each student.
- For each term the section meets, the number of absences and tardies are listed. Absences are broken down by status: Excused, Unknown (entered by teacher and not yet excused by Attendance Office), Unexcused (includes Unknown count), and Exempt.
- Positive Attendance Summary - not currently used in District 207
- This report displays the positive attendance summary for each student in the section.